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Top-notch PLR eBooks that don’t burn a hole in your pocket

Discover our amazing range of PLR eBooks, customize the product and resell at great margins. All it takes is a few taps on the screen and your zero-fuss business model is ready to launch. Passive CEO supports the efforts of business owners by enriching their needs in the most valuable way possible. To top it off, our eBooks are reasonably priced which ensures that your costs are always kept at a minimum



Q: What is PLR?

Private label rights (PLR) is content you can re-brand and use as your own. Sometimes, PLR is called “White Label Content”, “Readymade Content”, or “Done for You Content”. Private Rights allow you to claim authorship to the eBook and you can use it to build your name or brand.

Q: Wouldn't it be copying or plagiarizing to use this content?

No. Private label rights content is created with the understanding that customers will use it on their own website and in their marketing materials. Many PLR sellers are delighted to come across their content on various websites

Q: How can PLR help me grow my mailing list?

You can use PLR to create multiple opt-in gifts. If you have multiple opt-in areas on your website, then you’ll get more subscribers for your mailing list. The more your mailing list grows, the more people you have to share your products and services with. Your subscribers win because they accessed awesome content. You win because you can continue to serve your visitors long after they’ve left your website.


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